
Sales Tax Management

Don’t fret about sales taxes for your online orders! We have you covered!

Online ecommerce orders

For your online orders placed through our ecommerce system, we calculate, collect and pay sales taxes! It’s smooth and hassle-free!

Why are we doing this?
As an ecommerce provider, we are considered a Marketplace Facilitator.
But this makes things easier for YOU!

We also provide detailed reporting so you can see what has been paid!

Learn more about Marketplace Facilitators and Taxes for Ecommerce orders below.

Orders placed in your office

If you are collecting orders on paper forms (or via another offline method) and then enter those orders in our free office software, we do NOT pay your sales taxes on those orders.

In this case where the orders and funds do not flow through our system initially, you are responsible for your taxes as usual.

Additionally, due to Federal tax laws, we are required by law to maintain a complete, up-to-date file of sales tax exemption certificates for our customers.

These certificates allow us to substantiate the exempt sales we report to all states.

New accounts will be asked for this information in order to avoid paying taxes on orders placed in your office.

*Important note- CCS staff are not tax professionals and/or legal advisors and cannot give tax filing advice

What to know about Sales Taxes collected through our Ecommerce Platform

What is a marketplace facilitator?  A company that operates or controls an online marketplace.  They facilitate transactions by connecting purchasers and sellers.  They enable retail sales through an ecommerce platform, collect payments from end consumers, and remit payments back to the marketplace seller.  Essentially, they’re the platform that enables sales to happen!  These marketplace facilitators are legally obligated to collect and remit sales taxes on behalf of marketplace sellers.


Our ecommerce platform is the “Marketplace Facilitator.”  You are the “Marketplace Seller” when you originate sales transactions through our ecommerce platform.  Sales tax “nexus” becomes that of the marketplace facilitator rather than that of the photographer.

Who files taxes on Ecommerce orders

You will no longer need to determine and set up sales tax rates for ecommerce orders.  You will also no longer need to collect, file, or remit sales taxes for orders placed using our ecommerce system.  Each of these responsibilities falls to the Marketplace Facilitator.  A Candid Color related entity, Professional Photomarketing Services (or PPMS for short), is responsible for calculating, filing, and paying taxes on orders placed by your customers through our ecommerce platform.  PPMS has engaged professional third-party services to perform these functions and to satisfy the filing responsibilities for each state and local taxing authority.


CCS offers a report that can be run at any time called the “Marketplace Sales Tax Summary Report.” This provides details of sales taxes that have been collected on ecommerce orders for your account.  This report also identifies the sales tax amounts that have been remitted, by PPMS, to each state and local taxing authority for your ecommerce sales.  This report is also proactively emailed to those email addresses flagged on your account to receive financial information such as the Weekly Ledger.

Filing taxes for revenue that is NOT an ecommerce order

However, unless 100% of your sales are transacted through our ecommerce platform, you will likely still be required to file your own sales tax return.  CCS is NOT collecting, remitting, or filing taxes for revenue your business may have that occurs outside of our ecommerce platform.  Examples of this type of revenue may include (but are not limited to) session fees, shooting fees or orders you place “manually” in CORE that came into your office via an order form or phone call.

Please consult a tax professional regarding your sales tax filing requirements and the best practices for your business.

A review of the basics of our ecommerce tax program:

  • You do not need to determine and set up tax rates for your ecommerce orders being placed by your customers.
  • You will not receive taxes collected for online ecommerce orders (placed by your customers) in the weekly remittance you receive from us.
  • You do not need to file and pay sales taxes for orders placed using our ecommerce system based on your nexus.
  • PPMS will collect, file, and pay sales tax to the appropriate authorities based on PPMS nexus for orders placed by your customers on the ecommerce platform.
  • You have a report which details what taxes were collected, filed, and remitted for orders placed by your customers through our ecommerce platform.
  • This does NOT impact or eliminate the collection and remittance of taxes for revenue your business has collected outside of our ecommerce system.  You will likely still need to file taxes.
  • We advise that you consult your tax professional on this process.
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